Welcome Agape Fellowship Center!Agape Ministries
VBS June 2002 - Faith Mountain - Check this web site often for details!


Pastor's Corner
Annual Theme
Agape Ministries
Schedule of Services
Map & Directions

Where do you fit in the Body of Christ?

Below are the various ministries of Agape that you can participate in.  We encourage you to find your area of ministry and begin serving God in whatever capacity He may lead you into.
Theatrical Drama Ministry - Consists of dedicated people desiring to provide anointed salvation messages in music and artistic production. Open to anyone desiring to minister from a thespian's heart. (Easter and Christmas Season)
Men’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry (W.O.V.E.N.)
Promise Keepers - This organization is dedicated to igniting and uniting men to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ through effective communication of the 7 Promises
Awana - Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.  A youth ministry whose goal is to teach the Word of God to boys and girls and train them to serve Him.


Prayer Ministry / Monthly Concert of Prayer - Agape has a prayer ministry which is available and ready to share your urgent requests.  


Prayer service is held each Friday Night at 7:15PM except on First Fridays.


"Concerts of Prayer" are held every First Friday from 6:00PM until 6:00AM.  All members are asked to pray and fast.


Health & Wellness Ministry


Singles Ministry - Responsible for coordinating the Single Focus Ministry.


Deaf Ministry


VBS (Vacation Bible School) - Annual youth ministry program.


UshersHelp establish a spirit of warmth and welcome by becoming part of the "Welcome Team."  You may help direct traffic, assist newcomers, hand out bulletins or just greet people at the door -- all we need is your friendly face.


Audio Tape MinistryEvery time someone step to the pulpit, an audio tape is made.  You can enjoy Pastor Benton's messages again.  These tapes are made available for only $3.00 each at the end of every service by Agape's Tape Ministry.  Contact Bro. Craig after service.


Music MinistryUnder the direction of Sis. DeAnna, our desire is to assist the church to enter into a time of praise and worship until the glory of God comes and fills our lives and in return we may glorify God's name.


Agape Fellowship Center

(972) 298-9831

225 W. Camp Wisdom Road

Duncanville, Texas  75116 - USA

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