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What is Awana? Awana at Agape Secretary Page

Awana is a ministry program to meet the spiritual needs of children, teens, and adults.

Awana, which stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, is taken from II Timothy 2:15, where the Apostle Paul says "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  This indeed is what the Awana program is all about with its goals being to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.

In order to minister more effectively to each boy or girl on his or her own level, the Awana program is divided into six clubs and two youth groups.

Cubbies are boys and girls ages three and four
Sparks are boys and girls in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
Pals are boys in third and fourth grade.
are girls in third and fourth grade.
Pioneers are boys in fifth and sixth grade.
Guards are girls in fifth and sixth grade.
Jr. Varsity is for youth in seventh and eighth grade.
Varsity is for teenagers in grades 9-12.

Awana Clubs International must charter all churches using the Awana program.  Agape Fellowship Center was the 12,261st Awana Club to be chartered by Awana Clubs International.  Therefore, the charter number for Northside Baptist Church's Awana Clubs is 12261.

The Awana Charter is an agreement between Awana Clubs International, a non-denominational organization, and the Church that enables the church to use the Awana ministry.  The Charter indicates that the Church has authorized the club and that the club has filed at Awana Headquarters the names and addresses of its pastor(s), Commander, Directors, and leaders.

Additional information about Awana ministries and Awana Clubs International can be found at http://www.awana.org.

The Awana missionaries for Heart of Texas are Martin and Kay Rechnitzer. Information concerning Awana area events can be found at www.awanahot.org.

You may also call the Agape Fellowship Center office, 972-298-9831 for questions or additional information about the Awana ministry at Agape Fellowship Center.  The 2001-02 Club Year Calendar is located at the end of this site.

Page Last Revised: 04/22/2002 10:22:52 PM

For comments and/or questions contact the Webservant, webservant@myagape.org

Agape Fellowship Center

(972) 298-9831

225 W. Camp Wisdom Road

Duncanville, Texas  75116 - USA

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